Monitor activities in your network 

Design and installation of security systems

CCTV installations and surveillance systems, intrusion detection and access control.



We are a company specializing in a wide range of services related to network technologies - from the configuration and installation of network devices to the design and implementation of WiFi, ETH, fiber optic and telephone networks.


We have certificates and certificates necessary for the implementation of projects. Thanks to our qualified staff, which constantly expands their knowledge with the latest solutions, we are able to provide services at the highest level. We also operate on the foreign market.


satisfied customers


completed investments

years in the industry


We have been operating in the industry for many years, and in our portfolio we have almost 50 completed investments for always satisfied customers, such as Polskie Koleje Państwowe or Orange S.A. We work with both market giants and smaller, local entrepreneurs.

Various implementations allow for continuous development and the use of the latest technologies, which translates into - our priority - customer satisfaction.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it

Alan Key



ICT is supposed to work, it's best if you don't notice it. We create, build for years and derive satisfaction from it. We see the scale of the economy over time. We love complex projects that can be proud of.


Information is the bloodstream of civilization in the 21st century. For information to be transferred between organizations, technology and a network of infrastructure are needed. We provide our clients with ICT solutions that become part of their world / everyday life. We specialize in services for public institutions and We design, build and integrate various ICT networks.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

Arthur C. Clarke


What are we doing?


We plan

We make a detailed plan of the implemented network technology, taking into account the opportunities and threats.

We conduct an in-depth analysis in consultation with the client, which allows us to obtain a complete vision of the infrastructure being created, as well as its cost estimate and work completion date.

We are experts in this field - our activities translate into efficient implementation of the goal, thanks to dealing with formal and legal matters and at the same time solving problems encountered during the analysis - in a creative and effective manner.


We monitor

From the initial analysis to the finishing works, we monitor all stages of work, so that we are always one step ahead - failure is not an option.

Thanks to constant contact with the client, we are able to correct and respond to the emerging variables in order to provide the project in the best possible way - this is how we prove our reliability.


We design and implement

After the initial analysis stage, we design the model of the implemented network.

We know what devices will be necessary to obtain the appropriate effects, thanks to the knowledge of their functions and parameters. We define all the variables that connect individual stages of the project into a coherent whole.

We create technical and design documentation.


Design and installation of security systems

CCTV installations and surveillance systems, intrusion detection and access control.


Design and construction of fiber optic networks

Blowing of microcables, microducts and fiber optic cables, construction of fiber optic microduct systems.


Design, construction and assistance in telecommunications networks

Structured cabling, IP telephony implementation and networking.


Help and service

IT systems management at physical, data and transport links.


Web design and documentation

Design, implementation and documentation of networks covering a wide spectrum - from trunk / backbone networks to access / subscriber networks to traditional copper and radio networks.


Design and installation of wireless and LAN networks

Design, installation, support and auditing of WiFi and LAN networks, provision of network security services and virtual private networks.



Miasto Zielona Góra

Budowa systemu ruchu kołowego w obszarze zielonogórskiego deptaka w ramach projektu pn; “Zagospodarowanie zdegradowanej przestrzeni publicznej na terenie miasta Zielona Góra”.

Client:Miasto Zielona Góra

Location:Zielona Góra

Additional information:

W ramach tego: wdrożenie systemu ITMS (Inteligent Traffic Managament System), rozbudowa monitoringu wizyjnego miasta, instalacja elektromechanicznych blokad wraz z infrastrukturą sterującą, budowa kanalizacji kablowej wraz z kablem światłowodowym.

Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.

Budowa infrastruktury doziemnej wraz z kablem światłowodowym

Client:PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.

Location:Województwo wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie, lubuskie

Delivery time:2014-2015, 2017, 2019

Additional information:

Długość prac doziemnych: 145 000m, całkowita długość rurociągu technicznego: 155 438m, długość kabli światłowodowych: 160 560m.

Służba zdrowia

Usługa wdrożenia i utrzymania systemów teleinformatycznych

Additional information:

Budowa sieci światłowodowej, budowa monitoringu wizyjnego, zakup i konserwacja centrali telefonicznej, dostawa urządzeń sieciowych oraz licencji dla nich, budowa sieci LAN, zakup i montaż anten DECT.

Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. (Orange Polska)

Projektowanie oraz budowa sieci FTTH

Client:Sprint S.A., TP Teltech S.A.

Location:Gmina Miasta Szczecin, Gmina Miasta Gdańsk, Gmina Miasta Gdynia, Powiat kołobrzeski, Powiat łobeski, Powiat gryficki

Delivery time:od 2015r.

Additional information:

Ilość obiektów podłaczonych w technologii FTTH: < 2000 budynków, Liczba mieszkańców w obszarze usługi FTTH: < 45 000 osób

Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej

Budowa sieci teleinformatycznej

Client:Do wiadomości zainteresowanych

Location:Do wiadomości zainteresowanych

Delivery time:Do wiadomości zainteresowanych

Additional information:

Projekt z dostepem do informacji niejawnych o klauzuli "Zastrzeżone".